📝Customising pages

Create your landing page with Gitlanding

Now, if the previous steps went smoothly, you can start modifying and of adding to the template code as befits your needs ! 🚀

If you wish to import files sush as webm or mp4 files in your project you must declare them as modules. Copy and paste the following example in the src/react-app-env.d.ts file.

//Replace <webm> with the extension name of your choice
declare module "*.webm" {
	const _default: string;
	export default _default;

In this example I create a new article in the Home page that has an mp4 video along side it. I also added a section devider to seperate it from the article above. You will notice that I do not hard code the text directly inside the component, but I use a translation function that enables me to switch between English and French. See i18nifty documentation to learn about the translation engine setup.

The components I used are:

You can preview all the components in Storybook

Last updated