# Only if you don't have yarn already
# (you need https://brew.sh to run the next command)
brew install yarn
git clone https://github.com/<user_name>/<project_name> <project_name>_landingpage
cd <project_name>_landingpage
git checkout --orphan landingpage && git rm -rf .
yarn create react-app . --scripts-version 4.0.3 --template typescript
mkdir -p .github/workflows
wget gitlanding.dev/deploy.yaml -O .github/workflows/deploy.yaml
# Don't get frightened by the next command.
# It will just update the "homepage" field with:
# https://<your_github_username>.github.io/<your_repo_name>
# in the package.json.
# Feel free to do that manually.
node -e '(()=>{require("fs").writeFileSync("package.json",JSON.stringify({...require("./package.json"),"homepage": (() => {const [r, u] = `${require("child_process").execSync("git remote get-url origin")}`.replace(/\n/g, "").replace(".git", "").replace(/:/g, "/").replace(/\r?\n$/, "").split("/").reverse();return `https://${u}.github.io/${r}`;})()}, null, 2));})()'
git add -A
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push --set-upstream origin landingpage
# Using Ubuntu
sudo su
curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | sudo -E bash -
# Using Debian
su root
curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | bash -
apt-get install -y nodejs
npm install -g yarn
Open a new terminal
git clone https://github.com/<user_name>/<project_name> <project_name>_landingpage
cd <project_name>_landingpage
git checkout --orphan landingpage && git rm -rf .
# If you get: 'yarn: error: no such option: --template' running the following command. It means you have 'yarn' from cmdtest, we need yarn the package manager.
yarn create react-app . --scripts-version 4.0.3 --template typescript
mkdir -p .github/workflows
wget gitlanding.dev/deploy.yaml -O .github/workflows/deploy.yaml
# Don't get frightened by the next command.
# It will just update the "homepage" field with:
# https://<your_github_username>.github.io/<your_repo_name>
# in the package.json.
# Feel free to do that manually.
node -e '(()=>{require("fs").writeFileSync("package.json",JSON.stringify({...require("./package.json"),"homepage": (() => {const [r, u] = `${require("child_process").execSync("git remote get-url origin")}`.replace(/\n/g, "").replace(".git", "").replace(/:/g, "/").replace(/\r?\n$/, "").split("/").reverse();return `https://${u}.github.io/${r}`;})()}, null, 2));})()'
git add -A
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push --set-upstream origin landingpage
Next you'll have to enable GitHub page in your repo. Navigate to your repository on Github and go to Setting > Pages, then set the gh-pages branch as the branch from witch the site is to be built.
You may need to wait a few minutes for the initial gh-pages branche to be created by your GitHub Action workflow .github/workflows/deploy.yaml
If all went as expected you page should be up and running
You're now ready to start customizing this page with Gitlanding.